The Kakofonie 003
Siouxzi Mernagh / Matthew MacKisack / Lauren Moffatt / Gabi Schaffner / Kerstin Cmelka / Gerard Carson / Richard Mosse / Pauline Carnier Jardin / Anna Niedhart
Curated by John Holten
Berlin - Altes Finanzamt - Jan 12, 2011
Dublin - Block T - May 25, 2011
Oslo - Tbc
For Immediate Release:
This issue of the Kakofonie, ‘the video issue’, has been compliled by BDP writer and editor John Holten. It is an attempt at eschewing the accepted norms of a video exhibition and presents nine very different artists working in the same medium. The calibre of the artists involved, their diverse backgrounds and wide ranging subject matter ensures that the issue lives up to its name; the resulting cacophony ranges from a re-enactment of a scene from a Michel Haneke film, to a suicide bomber’s martyr recording, an animal circus via an investigation into a fictional archeological dig.
The Kakofonie is a European journal of art and literature that takes a different physical form for each issue. It presents multi-linguistic, multi-form work from across Europe in curated, polyglot editions. It has enjoyed myriad manifestations and appearances, some of which included it being postered on an abandoned shopfront in Grønland in Oslo, Norway, a flyer turning up in countless cafes across Europe, it has also been featured in the Musuem of Contemporary Art in Leipzig, on Basso’s wall at Kunst Werk in Berlin as well as in postcard form.
This issue has been available online and has had a screening in Altes Finanzamt in Berlin in January 2011, with a further screening planned in Aubervilliers, Paris and one in Oslo, later in 2011. Along with being screened in Block T in Dublin’s Smithfield, it will also be included as part of the INFlux art fair in Limerick.