By Carlos Fernåndez-Pello, Javier Fresneda, Eduardo Hurtado, Regina de Miguel, Antonio R. Montesinos, Lorenzo Sandoval (Eds.)
With Contributions from: Pavla Ascher, Santiago Eraso, Juan Freire, Emanuele Guidi, John Holten, Nicolas Malevé, Markus Miessen, Laurence Rassel, Alan Pauls, Maria PTQK, Urzsula Wozniak
Artist's catalogue / Anthology
Spanish/English dual editions
190 pages
Design: Carlos Fernåndez-Pello
ISBN: 978-3-943196-01-6
Mountainislandglacier (En) €10,00 EUR MontañaIslaglaciar (Es) €10,00 EUR Two book edition (En & Es) €18,00 EUR
After a game-changing year when Europe, in all its tangible and intangible consequences reached far and wide, BDP are proud to announce one of our most ambitious compilations of art, writing and investigation on our contemporary’s troubled, shape-shifting realities. In a unique dual book publication (English/Spanish editions) edited by the group ‘Correspondence from Eyjafjallajökull’ the book contains the artistic results and research of the group, along with eleven probing and insightful carefully selected ‘collaborations’. These diverse entries take many forms, including fiction, essay, polemnic,
After working together as a research group centering around the event that was Eyjafjallajökull in May 2010, ‘Correspondence from Eyjafjallajökull’ went about re-examining the idea of Europe. With no air traffic possible, Europe found itself connected in a very physical way, a unity that is the opposite in many ways of how ‘Europe’ has been so recently conceived. Through various forms of artistic research and development new, kaleidoscopic perspectives of Europe came about, moving from peripheries such as Turkey and Iceland itself, moving inward to the imaginative world of European identity creation.
With a strong focus on the problematic nature of European discourse as it currently is offered, the recent rise of protests movements in Spain appear in contributions from Maria Ptqk, Emanuele Guidi, Juan Freire and Santiago Eraso: the 15th May Movement in Spain and The Arab Spring pre-dated but also foretold the wider Occupy movement of 2012, an incredible year in which protest and the right to protest swept the world in myriad forms. The playful use of fiction to create stories and identity is evident in contributions from Pavla Ascher, John Holten and Alan Pauls. Re-imagining the line of Europe’s borders opens the anthology with Urzsula Wozniak’s essay on Turkey’s relationship with Europe, while Markus Miesson offers an extension of the realm of what can be thought of as ‘Europe’ with an extract from his East Coast Europe project.