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We see growing links and protrusions across time and linguistic space: our friends and collaborators speak through books that range from the administrative to the deeply poetic realm of a child discovering for the first time this odd assembly of possibilities between the pages of a codex. We gather and we read. And between these pages starts a dialogue that is just beginning....
Opening: Jan 31 2-10pm
Reading: 8pm
|Facebook Event|
Jan 31 – Feb 28 2015 (Thur - Sat, 10-18h)
Books shape existence: some have been the teachers of our pasts, some have set the stage for how we have come to perceive our present, and some will be the guides to our future(s). There are the old, worn books we have read over and over throughout life; the books we wish we’d read and then there are all the potential, hypothetical books - the ones we dream about holding in our hands, and then there also those ones we can only hope will never materialize, those books of nightmares, impossible books.
For the opening of the new Büro BDP we have asked former and future collaborators to contribute to a generative library, a collective curriculum for the past and future practices of BDP, the books that have and will guide us through our future. The range is telling, from the old and manhandled to the paperless PDF, the school book that offered clandestine secrets to active assistants in current research projects. With this opening gesture, we hope to establish Büro BDP as an active space for book research, publishing and indeed reading.
Büro BDP is a multidisciplinary hybrid; office, creative agency, exhibition space, book showroom, archive for artists books and reading room, exploring the radical potentialities of an expanded notion of The Book in the contemporary age. Taking its cue from the initial impulse of Broken Dimanche Press – exploring the border between literature and contemporary art practice – the focus is on translation, editions, print solutions and the physical meeting of the core agents in book production: writers, artist, designers, editors, printers, distributors, booksellers and readers. With a bespoke modular desk and display unit created by Canadian designer Leanne MacKay and over 50m2 of gallery and office space, it is our hope to give books and the contemporary avantgarde a welcoming, constructive zone in Berlin.
We kindly acknowledge the support of Barefoot Wine, FUK Graphic Design Studio, Fuchs Borst, Leanne MacKay and all our contributors and supporters, past, present and future.
We see growing links and protrusions across time and linguistic space: our friends and collaborators speak through books that range from the administrative to the deeply poetic realm of a child discovering for the first time this odd assembly of possibilities between the pages of a codex. We gather and we read. And between these pages starts a dialogue that is just beginning....
Opening: Jan 31 2-10pm
Reading: 8pm
|Facebook Event|
Jan 31 – Feb 28 2015 (Thur - Sat, 10-18h)
Books shape existence: some have been the teachers of our pasts, some have set the stage for how we have come to perceive our present, and some will be the guides to our future(s). There are the old, worn books we have read over and over throughout life; the books we wish we’d read and then there are all the potential, hypothetical books - the ones we dream about holding in our hands, and then there also those ones we can only hope will never materialize, those books of nightmares, impossible books.
For the opening of the new Büro BDP we have asked former and future collaborators to contribute to a generative library, a collective curriculum for the past and future practices of BDP, the books that have and will guide us through our future. The range is telling, from the old and manhandled to the paperless PDF, the school book that offered clandestine secrets to active assistants in current research projects. With this opening gesture, we hope to establish Büro BDP as an active space for book research, publishing and indeed reading.
Büro BDP is a multidisciplinary hybrid; office, creative agency, exhibition space, book showroom, archive for artists books and reading room, exploring the radical potentialities of an expanded notion of The Book in the contemporary age. Taking its cue from the initial impulse of Broken Dimanche Press – exploring the border between literature and contemporary art practice – the focus is on translation, editions, print solutions and the physical meeting of the core agents in book production: writers, artist, designers, editors, printers, distributors, booksellers and readers. With a bespoke modular desk and display unit created by Canadian designer Leanne MacKay and over 50m2 of gallery and office space, it is our hope to give books and the contemporary avantgarde a welcoming, constructive zone in Berlin.
We kindly acknowledge the support of Barefoot Wine, FUK Graphic Design Studio, Fuchs Borst, Leanne MacKay and all our contributors and supporters, past, present and future.